Music and Recording Label

  • Trust your record label.
  • We represent you.
  • Represent your talent on stage off stage.
  • Before we begin: are you ready to start a record label?
  • 1. Have you worked with a label before?
  • 2. Do you have experience with distribution?
  • 3. Do you have experience with advertising or marketing?
  • 4. Do you have recording labels who will sign you?
  • How is it different from country to country?
  • How to register with a record label.
  • 1. Choose your genre/sound/audience.
  • 2. We get your brand in order.
  • 3. We file your business
  • 4. Get an ISRC “stem” from the National ISRC agency in your country
  • 5. We consider registering you with SoundExchange and Neighboring Rights Collection Societies.
  • 6. We set up a process to pay out mechanical royalties.
  • 7. We Establish sample contracts.
  • 8. Get you on board with recording.
  • 9. We help invest into your music.
  • 10. Set up distribution channels.
  • 11. Keep an eye on potential sync opportunities.
  • 12. Set up a release cycle and promote.
  • 13. Divvy up royalties.
  • We have a on board media team together.
  • Keep your brand consistent and tell your story.
  • We have a recording studio (unlimited hours)
  • Signing the RIGHT (!) contracts.
  • Stay data-driven
  • Conclusion

So you have a good ear, a sound you want to promote in mind, you know a couple of artists (or you are one yourself), and have dabbled in the music industry for a few years. Now you’re wondering: how do I get signed to a record label?

In Canada, setting up a record label is not very accessible — though there are still a ton of logistical difficulties to work through before you’re churning out music and generating revenue. Contracts need to be drawn up, royalties allocated, sync opportunities pursued, collaborations with other artists set up, and much more.

At the same time, the potential benefits are numerous: we will own the master rights, and gain a firmer grasp on profits and distribution. We will help you focus on your music and we will take care of the business. We’ve created that step-by-step guide to setting up a record label to help you get all the details and make sure that none of it slips through the cracks.

Why should you sign with a record label?

There are basically two reasons that you might want to work with  a record label:

We Represent You

The first reason is if you are an independent artist and want to set up a record company to self-release your recordings. Those types of labels are essentially micro-companies or fronts for the artists themselves, handling the cash flows and rights administration. The independent artist in need of more control will often open a company in their name and transfer the master rights to that “record label” — while the actual label’s functions will be handled by the artists themselves (or their management). This process causes so many issues and often end up hurting in the process. So many people have ruined there career by bad promo and often lose thousands or signing the wrong contracts with shiesty business people.

Starting your own small business might seem excessive, but having a business structure as a legal entity opens up quite a few doors that wouldn’t otherwise be available. Notoriously “anti-label” Radiohead, for example, set up more than 20 separate companies over the years to manage all of the band’s cash flows. Record labels make life easier for you and it is a better way to slide through the cracks with industry connections.

Representing Artist

We are a record label as a music professional to represent artists on the recording industry side: scouting for talents, funding the recording process (maybe) and taking care of marketing and distribution of the release.

Our option will require the same legal actions, but not the same practical steps — so we will focus on the  “complete” label set up scenario.

Before We Begin: Are You Ready To Sign With Record Label?

Alright, so no one who’s never previously run a record label is ready to run a record label: it’s a challenging, complicated endeavor. But even a bit of experience in the music industry can give you the knowledge and tools to wanna sign the right contract, started and ultimately succeed. Here are some of the questions you might want to ask yourself:

1. Have you worked with a label before?

If you are a musician, then previous experience with a label or brand distributing your music can be valuable. This experience gives you insight into the various back-end duties of a label and a template for how to run (or how NOT to run) your own record label. The higher up you were at a label, the more valuable and relevant your experience is! We can help bring your music and value to a level. We have a team ready to get you on the way.

2. Do you have experience with distribution?

Digital and physical distribution each require a different approach, so experience working with both gives you crucial insight on what it takes to get your music out there. Digital distribution involves placement on editorial playlists by the DSPs and digital storefronts, while physical distribution ensures listeners can buy your physical albums on platforms like Amazon etc. Willow records has lots of experience with getting music out and to the right channels.

3. Do you have experience with advertising or marketing?

One of the main functions of a record label is handling advertising and marketing for its artists. This is a critical area that many passionate musicians overlook, but your music won’t go anywhere if you can’t generate buzz. Do you have the expertise and wherewithal to create marketing campaigns and deal with advertisers?  This is a serious issue when it comes to getting your music out and looking professional. Artist usually have a big issue in this area and this is very important to have the right team. We have a PR to get you on track and keeping you relevant on all fronts. Keeping you in the loop and getting you on the music side of business can be very frustrating and we know. this is why we make sure our team has you in our best interest.

How is it different from country to country? 

Pretty much anyone can sign but the struggle is real. Record labels in most other countries is much more difficult, with more bureaucratic red tape and regulations. You have to understand the market that’s why its very important to sign with us.

Music news, articles and information

The best part about us is you have freedom to voice what you want and you also get the chance to record when you sign with us. We have a really fun team and we get the job done. This depends on how you also take your talents, is it a hobby or is it business. Talk with us so you can get on the right track today.

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